Digital Math Centers for October and November
October is one of my favorite months, even if it's one of the hardest months to teach it. (It's true. Research has proven it.) But that doesn't mean the kids can't have fun. With the October kindergarten math centers, students work on things like addition and subitizing, recognizing teen numbers, adding 1, and simple number order.
First graders also work on number order, practicing finding the missing addend, 1 more/1 less, 10 more/10 less, and adding ten. And I love the self-checking feature! Students get immediate feedback so they can correct their work right away.
Second graders work on the same skills as first grade but with larger numbers. Each set has 38 cards with four different activities to practice with.
Digital centers work well for at home learning, classroom centers, or in small group lessons. With the self-checking feature on Boom, you can quickly see how well students are performing on each activity and track their progress.
If your kiddos finish their centers quickly, there are Halloween centers that are perfect for October, too. The kids work on the same skills throughout the month but with a little holiday flair.
If your kindergarteners are still working on number order, these Boom card centers will help with their practice. The first set includes numbers to 20 and the second set includes numbers to 100. The beauty of digital centers is that it makes it so easy to differentiate based on students' needs.
Students simply click and drag the missing number to the pumpkin. These centers are self checking and give students immediate feedback. So simple but so effective!
In November, kindergarteners practice simple addition, using ten frames to 20, counting, and using base ten blocks to 20.
First graders practice time to the hour and half hour, comparing 2-digit numbers, base ten numbers, and 1 more/1 less, 10 more/10 less. Second graders compare 3-digit numbers, read numbers in expanded form and write them in standard form, tell time to five minutes, and solve word problems.
Whew, that was a lot. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you found some new math centers for your students. I am always adding new resources so stop by often to check out the latest or follow me on Boom Learning here. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon.
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