Teaching Addition and Subtraction to 100 in First Grade
Hey, y'all! You've worked hard on number sense all year. Your firsties have it down pat. Now it's time to take it a step further and work on adding and subtracting bigger numbers.This 1st Grade Big Numbers Unit is a four week culmination of everything they worked on in math this year as far as adding and subtracting are concerned. The first week, students practice adding and subtracting a 1-digit number with a 2-digit number.
On Friday of weeks 2 and 3, the whole class comes together to create a mystery picture by solving equations and coloring the answers on the 100's chart. This is always a favorite activity!
With each week, we are together for a whole class lesson on Monday. Tuesday through Thursday, students work in stations to practice the focus skill. On Friday, we come back together for a whole class game or activity. At the end of each day, we share any Ah-ha! moments or "I wonders" and discuss ideas.
There are lots of ways to modify this setup so it works with your district's requirements if needed. You can find out more about how to make this unit your own (and grab some freebies) here.
For more information on this bundle and more, head over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store here. And if you like this setup, you can grab a whole year's worth of curriculum with the 1st grade math bundle here.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you found some new ideas for your classroom. Stay tuned for more great resources coming soon. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon.
Stay cozy,
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